Prova virtuale per calzature : perchè investire ?

Essayage virtuel chaussures by SmartPixels

Perché è fondamentale investire nel virtual try-on per le calzature ? Frequenza di utilizzo della Realtà Aumentata Realtà Aumentata: un trend in crescita Si stima che il mercato dell’e-commerce aumenti raggiungendo un valore di circa 11 triliardi di dollari tra il 2021 e il 2025  [1]. Dal momento che la pandemia globale da COVID-19 ha […]

Why it is worth investing in shoe virtual try-on?

Essayage virtuel chaussures by SmartPixels

Why is it worth investing in shoe virtual try-on? Frequent AR consumers based on age range Augmented Reality : a rising trend The e-commerce market is predicted to increase by roughly $11 trillion between 2021 and 2025 [1].   As businesses moved online during the COVID-19 epidemic, the global digitalization trend increased at a breakneck […]

NFTs and Metaverse : at the heart of luxury 3.0

VivaTech 2022

NFTs and Metaverse as the backbones of luxury 3.0 Viva Technology fair Paris 2022 From June 14th to 17th, SmartPixels had the opportunity to take part in VivaTech, one of the most exciting start-ups and innovation fairs in Europe. We had the chance to be part of the event where “business meets innovation” with Microsoft […]

Augmented Reality : 3 reasons for investing

Augmented Reality Experience

Why brands should invest in Augmented Reality Table of Contents Augmented Reality (AR), which must not be misunderstood with Virtual Reality (VR), anchors virtual elements in the real world. It employs 3D technology, uses computer-generated images, and creates objects not palpable in the user’s environment. This technology is slowly but surely revolutionizing the world of […]