5 conseils pour concevoir un configurateur 3D optimisé

3D product configurator Globe-Trotter

5 conseils pour concevoir un configurateur visuel optimisé ​ Table des matières Offrir des expériences utilisateurs interactives à vos clients et les déployer sur votre plateforme e-commerce est désormais plus facile que jamais.  De nombreux moteurs de conception et logiciels de rendu 3D photoréalistes offrent une multitude de possibilités aux marques pour vendre en ligne […]

5 conseils pour une personnalisation produit réussie

3D visual, 3D Configurator, 3D shoes, Photorealistic 3d visuals, Berluti

5 conseils pour une personnalisation produit réussie La personnalisation des produits peut augmenter la fidélité et l’engagement des clients. https://vimeo.com/641913426 Les offres de personnalisation produits aident les marques à augmenter les ventes en magasin et en ligne. Ce n’est pas sans raison que Nike propose à ses clients de customiser leurs chaussures, que Carolina Herrera […]

6 consigli per migliorare l’esperienza del cliente online con un configuratore di prodotti interattivo

Configurateur produit interactif backnet Valentino

https://www.smartpixels.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Home-Header-1.mp4 Configuratore prodotto interattivo SmartPixels 6 consigli per migliorare l’esperienza del cliente online con un configuratore di prodotti interattivo Vuoi offrire ai tuoi clienti un’esperienza di shopping coinvolgente che mantenga la loro attenzione e li incoraggi a rimanere con il tuo marchio? Un configuratore di prodotti interattivo è lo strumento ideale. Offrire un servizio di […]

Solution de configuration 3D: l’outil de personnalisation indispensable à votre marque

Louboutin Beauté Configurateur Produit

Qu’est-ce qu’une solution de configuration 3D et pourquoi investir dans cet outil ? Table of Contents Les expériences produits interactives, telles que celles utilisant la modélisation 3D, l’intelligence artificielle ou la réalité augmentée, n’ont jamais été autant en vogue. A l’ère du digital, les marques sont plus que jamais sensibles aux solutions 3D, visuelles engageantes. […]

Un configurateur produit interactif pour une meilleure expérience e-commerce

Configurateur produit interactif backnet Valentino

https://vimeo.com/641992982 Configurateurs produits interactifs par SmartPixels 6 astuces pour améliorer l’expérience client en ligne grâce à un configurateur produit interactif Souhaitez-vous offrir à vos clients une expérience d’achat attrayante qui retiendra leur attention et les incitera à rester fidèles à votre marque ?   Un configurateur produit interactif est l’outil idéal.   Offrir un service […]

3D Renders: The new normal for e-commerce images

Chloé renders on model by SmartPixels Now is the time for brands to invest in 3D renders for eCommerce. The e-commerce industry is evolving at an extremely fast-pace: buyers are expecting a higher number of visual assets, and requesting more interactivity (zoom, 360° views, worn looks…). Traditional photography can’t scale with the growing demand of […]

Why being more personal matters? Four benefits of product customization

Product customization: why being more personal matters Table of Contents Consumers’ behavior has evolved over the years. In fact, modern-day shoppers are keen on looking for personalized products. To illustrate, approximately 50% of clients say they would become repeat buyers if they had a personalized shopping experience with a brand [1]. Younger generations are looking […]

How a product configurator can boost omnichannel

SmartPixels' 3D assets for several channels

Boosting omnichannel with a product configurator Retail e-commerce sales worldwide from 2017 to 2025 “Omnichannel refers to selling through multiple channels, and increasingly a blend of digital and physical, whether by uniting a customer’s purchase history or fulfilling an order through more than one channel. [1]”    As a consequence of the global pandemic, retailers […]

7 applications of mobile AR leveraged by luxury brands

How are luxury brands leveraging the power of Augmented Reality? Table of Contents In this article, we are going to explore how brands like Dior, Chanel, and Gucci use mobile augmented reality to build immersive and unforgettable experiences for their consumers. We have identified 7 key applications of mobile AR for fashion brands.  First, let’s […]

How to build a powerful shopping experience remotely?

How to build a powerful shopping experience remotely? Table of Contents Covid-19 has emphasized the need for salesclerks in store to keep in touch and communicate with shoppers remotely. No matter how hard it might be to visit stores with the current situation, luxury clients still expect the personal service associated with the industry when […]

Top 6 product customization techniques

Stella McCartney experience by SmartPixels Are you looking for the best way to stand out? Customized products certainly aren’t new to the market, but they are definitely helping brands to differentiate themselves.   Fashion companies like Dresshirt, The Mighty Company, or Mango allow customers to upload custom art or words to be printed on their […]